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Reserved Words

What are Reserved Words?

A reserved word in AiScript is a word that is prohibited to be used as the name of a variable or function.
Use of such words will result in a Syntax Error.

// match and for are reserved

let match = null // Error

@for() {
} // Error

Words in Use and Words Planned for Use

The keywords match and for are already used as keywords in the grammar.
If they are used as variable names, they not only make the program look confusing, but also increase the cost of grammar analysis.
Hence, all keywords in the grammar are basically reserved words.

On the other hand, some words are reserved words even though they do not exist in the grammar.
This is in anticipation of their possible use in the future when the grammar is expanded.


The following words are registered as reserved words:

In use

null, true, false, each, for, loop, break, continue, match, case, default, if, elif, else, return, eval, var, let, exists

Reserved for future use

as, async, attr, attribute, await, catch, class, component, constructor, dictionary, do, enum, export, finally, fn, hash, in, interface, out, private, public, ref, static, struct, table, this, throw, trait, try, undefined, use, using, when, while, yield, import, is, meta, module, namespace, new